Saturday, November 24, 2007


Katy and Sean are here!
Always nice to have visitors. A nice night out yesterday (hooray for Mac's), eggs and turkey this morning (much to the protestations of my stomach), and now, who knows?

Still working on getting the house cleaned post-thanksgiving, but fortunately, I have today and tomorrow. Maybe I'll do some work post-Bailiwick tonight? Or maybe I'll just get to sleep early, and get up early tomorrow.

Also, more music on monday! Hooray! Totally the icing on the "life-cake", to coin a new...well, nevermind. Kind of sounds like something you'd eat in a Zelda game or somesuch.

Frankly, I need to just end this post. So--I think I'll use that little trick that Anthony uses, and I've admired for so long (or since he started his blog), where he writes a long sentence and then ends it with his name as the signature, though it's usually more elegant than this, but that's ok, because that's Wiry's style, and this is

The Project

(That almost worked. We'll try again later.)


Traveler72 said...

One of the best parts of thanksgiving is post-thanksgiving leftovers. I had mashed potatoes for dinner tonight: it was great.

I feel like I had some highly analytical thing to say about your post, but I can't remember it for the life of me. Nevertheless, maybe I'll check out Dionysus 69, when I get back to Kenyon...cause I don't know if they have it here...

Anyway, happy thanksgiving!

Spelunker said...

I can haz life-cakez plz?