Monday, November 5, 2007

Blessings on our meal

Was told to burn in hell today. Was suprisingly unfazed.

Also, I became the first person possibly in the world to grill tempeh and sausage together. It feels good to have exotic meats again, and also to get some tempeh---I looooooove that stuff. Stir fry will be made, and enjoyed.

Putting some music on my computer---re-discovering the joy that was early HS metal--- Black Sabbath, Fear Factory, Iced Earth, Queensryche, and more. Good times. Later treats such as Rush, The Scarlet Pimpernel, and more will also appear.

The thing that has been getting to me about canvasing? It's the people who lie to me. I really don't mind if you say "No", or "I'm not interested", or even "I'm in a hurry"---but saying "I'm a member" or "I already filled that out/did that already" just bugs me. I mean---you clearly havn't, because that's not what we're out here doing. We really can tell when someone is a member--so telling us you are when you aren't doesn't help.

Whew, that bit of kvetching aside. I still have my love for humanity intact--a guy _literally_ grabbed me by the arm today, dragged me with him accross the street, held on, and thanked me for being out there---so it's not all bad. Plus, there are new jobs on the horizon, so I can deal with this for a while more.

Bud's Cafe (the senior citizen show) closes on wednesday. Which will mean I won't have to work saturdays for a while...hooray!

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