Sunday, November 11, 2007

God's in his Heaven/All's Right with the World

May or may not have been watching a bit of Evangelion recently. It's kinda fun.

Worked all day yesterday, so there isn't much new news from then.
Settling in to a nice morning routine of something athletic, a bit of yoga (thank you Bacchae folk---its so nice to be in that habit again. Feels good!)--some lunch, soon a trip to Trader Joe's to get my food supply for the week, then some breadmaking and...who knows? I may try to hit a coffeeshop to get me to do some work on the play---too many things to distract me around the house, I think.

Other big news? I have a new job, starting in January. I'll be going back part time to Kenyon for the semester, working as an assistant instructor to President Nugent for the "Classical Theater" course. So I'll basically be commuting to Gambier every other week--8 days in Ohio, 6 in Illinois, rinse and repeat. I couldn't be more excited: I'll get to start learning about teaching, be able to take in the beautiful country air while still spending a lot of time in the city, and on top of all that, both have time to see Dad more, time to visit friends who are living elsewhere in Ohio, and a fair amount of time in seclusion to get working on the new project. I don't think I could have taken the job if I had to move completely back to Gambier---not ready to leave Chicago yet, I just started getting my bearings here! However, since I'll still stay here, I think I'll be able to manage it.

Basically, this is going to start testing whether I can deal with the roving life of a freelance director. Kind of goes along with that earlier post about the freedom of this part of life: its neat to be able to know, take this kind of opportunity.

Lets see how it goes!



Nate said...

Wow, you're officially a vagabond! Roll up and see us sometime.

Cherubino/Carmen said...

Wow, dude, that's an honor -- helping out both the Nuge AND Prof. T. just by being there. And it looks sweet on a resume. I'm jealous. :)

Wiry said...

On the bus today, the man to my right was reading I Am Legend. The man to my left was reading Aeschylus' Agammemnon. I thought of you, naturally.

Gambier's quite the commute, but (as I'm sure you're aware) that job's just about the coolest thing ever, really truly.

Spelunker said...

My first thought upon reading this entry: "fun" is not a word I would ever use to describe Evangelion. "Amazing", "psychotic", "depressing", and "cracked out", however, are terms that I find appropriate.

My second thought: I hatez you for your new jobz! Not really, as I don't know much about Classical Theatre, but you know what I mean. A tiring commute, to be sure, but super awesome job waiting for you at the end of it. Way to go! :o)

easteighth said...

Will you have some sweet housesitting job for some professor on sabbatical like all the post-grad people who return to Kenyon seem to land?