Saturday, March 1, 2008

By these names I invoke you

Home---which is nice.

What is not nice is that there is a certain...odor in my apartment. No. That's not right. I smell a certain odor...and I think it might be an olfactory halucination. It has lead me to be up at 7:30 on a saturday morning, to scrub myself thouroughly, to put on what are perhaps my nicest clothes, and to pace around the apartment...wondering. It has no particular origin, or even any pattern.

I think the problem is I have it in my nose now, so wherever I go, I continue to smell it. Growl.

Attended a small soiree in Hyde Park last night, which was thoroughly enjoyable. Spent a while talking to a fellow classicist who was writing a novel based on the Odyssey...a comfortable talk, that reminded me I did know a thing or two about the Ancients---sometimes I forget, being surrounded by such scholars as Pres. Nugent and Mr. Doerries.

Know what else are neat? The Seals of Solomon.

Hmm...I think the smell may be a mix of the bread and rice I cooked yesterday. That's why you need to wash the rice, I guess (which I did...but not thoroughly enough, apparently).

I've been going back through my Classical Rhetoric texts...I'd like to re-sharpen some of those tricks we learned. I was a little too wrapped up in Comps to really fully appreciate/retain all of it---I'll have to give it another shot.

All in all, though? Things are well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You were in Hyde Park and didn't let me know. I'm all sad now.
We need to start pretending that someday we will get that game together.