Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Job search for the next part of my life has begun.

You know what? I'm excited. I have no idea what comes next, but I have the feeling it's going to be a lot of fun.

Though I think I'm going to aim for it being a more sedentary job than the current one. A bit of time off the road will be nice.
I feel like I've had random endorphin boosts in the last two days---I think it means I've finally kicked my cold, and I'm finally getting enough rest. Maybe my day in yesterday was exactly what I needed.

Was weird, though---I really just looked up at the clock, thought..."hmmm, I should get a shower, start my day"...and it was 5:30 pm. So I had dinner, fell asleep on the couch...and it was 7:30. Then I read for a bit, and looked up...and it was after 10. Seriously--huge gaps, no idea where they went.

Anyway---hope all are well!

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