Sunday, December 2, 2007

Rain, Gaul, Raisins, and Spellling

It's raining outside.

It's been raining since yesterday.

(Except yesterday was snow and freezing rain.)

Chicago is beautiful in the winter.

Freezing rain is never beautiful wherever you are.

It's Sunday. Time for Laundry, working out (inside today), maybe a bit of breadmaking, and sushi for dinner.

A bright point: I have Raisin Bran! I'm sad to report that Trader Joe's Raisin Bran is not quite as good as Kelloggs. I may have to shell out the extra dollar for the on-brand type next time.

Still, though. I heart me some raisin bran.

An embarassing point: I sent President Nugent an email with about six spelling errors right in a row. Including gems like "sylabus" and "arrangments". Not pretty.

Oh! One more bright point! I went to B&N yesterday, picked up not only a copy of "Of Mice and Men", but found a copy of "The Gallic Wars"! I've been searching for an english translation for about the last eight years.

The translation is...interesting. Not bad, but--suprising. Maybe I'll do a full-scale book review once I've gotten through a bit more.


Traveler72 said...

I knew about Buck/Fuck form Kill Bill, but not about the rest. In any case, it was freaky.

England is well, ultimately. A little freaky but well. I'm trying to get a Hunter game going here, but it occurs to me that all my settings and idiosyncracies are going to be American, not British. So I can't just invent a setting as "small-town America." I rather have to do a setting in the English Moors. It's like having to speak another literary language, new geography with new meanings - a mill on a river by a willow could mean something entirely different here.
I hope Chicago's going well!

Cherubino/Carmen said...

Hehe, arrangments make me smile.