Thursday, February 14, 2008

Today I am...

...celebrating Lupercalia, rather than Valentine's day.

No, seriously, I'm not bitter at the holiday or anything. "Whatevz," as Shakespeare probably wouldn't have said if he had been born in our age. More thoughts on "dating," etc may follow in a later post---maybe after Saturday(hint).

Seriously, though...chocolate is great, as are roses...but can they be compared feasting and flailing with goat-skins?

Also, symbolic human sacrifice. Lordy, the Romans were characters, weren't they?

Plus, it goes three days! February 13-15.

Who's with me?


Nate said...

A student just educated me about Lupercalia this afternoon, and so I am totally with you on this one.

amilily said...

I hate to be conventional, but I really think I have to go with the holiday that promises me chocolate.