Saturday, February 23, 2008

Courage, heart

Every once in a while, something magical happens on stage. That always reminds me why I do theatre- why it is the most important thing I (personally) could do with my life. There's so much theatre that drags us down---not because it's depressing, or negative, or crude, or crass---but because it is bad. When I see a real moment, however---then I remember what I'm working towards: it is worth it to keep trying, so that I might eventualy give someone a moment of Clarity, like I have been given. Having been in the "world saving" buisness---I do think that these sort of things are really what our generation needs to be saved.

So, Godot was absolutely incredible. Seriously, the whole team did amazing things. It was consistantly funny, touching, moving...and comprehensible.

Having folks here has been really amazing---hadn't realized how lonely I'd been. Kicking around with folks has been really nice. No offense to my friends here at Kenyon---but its hard, you know?

Looking forward to three weeks in Chicago, though. Will be the longest stretch of time I've been anywhere since November or December.

Have two definite gigs for St. Patrick's day---one is a private party, but the other is a bar gig---so if you're going to be in Chicago, you should definitely come see us! We'll be playing at Lilly's Bar up north, 9:30 on March 13th. Going to be great.

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