Wednesday, September 5, 2007

In Chicago!

Here I am! Everything is in storage, I'm staying up in Evanston for a while, until I find a job. There's still no word on the apartment: keep your fingers crossed, people.

On other fronts, I've fallen in love with Dan's Scrambled Tofu, have managed to find copies of both "War Stories" and "All Day Permanent Red" and read both, and found the coolest little vegitarian/vegan friendly cafe ever (the Earwax Cafe---I swear, I went in and gained +45 hip points. How many of you thought I said hit points? I know I was thinking it. Sigh.)

Does anyone remember the "Lone Wolf" books? they were like "Choose your own Adventure" for people to geeky to actually be alive. If you haven't guessed, I thought they were wonderful. Anyway, I just found one, and it gave me the insane urge to try to find the complete 20+ book set, and try to do them all the way through.

Which means what? Means I really need a job, or something to give some structure to my life. I think it will come, though.

Finished "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell"---I was actually pretty surprised by how much I liked it, and how quickly the end went. I thought it was a good time, and filled the niche that reading history books for school has left open. I'd recommend it as good summer reading---easy to read, long, yet still vaguely academic feeling.

I think we're going to leave it at that for now. Time to grab a quick lunch, then go make copies of a few keys, maybe get a haircut, and see if anyone in Evanston is hiring. It's a trek...but hey, a job is a job. It's a nice suburb out here, and relatively accessible through the trains.

See you all soon!

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