Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fear and Trembling

Had the first post-show theatre anxiety dream from Of Mice and Men (for whatever reason, I have the anxiety dreams a week or two after the show. I mean, I'm not complaining---its just a little strange).

In the dream, I was still doing Antigone, with Dave lighting, except Sam was stage managing. I went out to dinner before the show, then came and saw it---and at some point, (presumably) the two of them had re-cast several roles in the show, and added one or two characters who were in the script, but I had chosen not to put in the production. So I saw this, flipped out inside my head, then went and had very calm discussions with them, and then thanked the new actors for their time, but told them that "Unfortunately, their services were no longer required."

In other stories: I saw a man hit rock bottom two nights ago. I was out with GreenPeace, hanging at the office and kicking back. The Art Museum was free that night, so we decided to go over for an hour or so. There was a big formal party there that we thought about trying to crash---but none of us were appropriately attired. Anyway, so a couple of us head off to the bathroom before we leave, to find a man in a full suit, wrapped around one of the stalls. In the Chicago Art Institute.

That, my friends, is bottoming out. His life will only go up from there.

Soaking up life in Chicago---played music yesterday, wandered around Logan's square---realized I hadn't been up there since I was looking for apartments. Its a cute area---not really a whole lot of reasons to go unless you're wandering on purpose---but I liked it. I think I do need to move (in the city, that is) when my lease gets up---I'd like to break the routine I've gotten into here. Not working just did too many weird things, I guess--I'm not in a rut per se, but it is getting awfully close. Maybe when I have a job, that will spruce things up.

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